Read article: Diamond quantum sensor breaks new record Spectroscopy Research update Diamond quantum sensor breaks new record New measurement scheme has increased the spectral resolution of NMR by 100-fold in volumes comparable to a single cell
Read article: The sound of trust Spectroscopy Opinion and reviews The sound of trust Would you put your $500,000 violin in a synchrotron? Robert P Crease meets a musician who did
Read article: Frequency combs power new spectrometer-on-a-chip Spectroscopy Research update Frequency combs power new spectrometer-on-a-chip Tiny system offers high precision
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Read article: Diamond defects and quantum logic give NMR a boost Spectroscopy Research update Diamond defects and quantum logic give NMR a boost New technique can home in on single molecules
Read article: Frequency combs give Raman spectroscopy a boost Structure and dynamics Research update Frequency combs give Raman spectroscopy a boost Technique identifies multiple molecules simultaneously
Read article: NMR spectroscopy without the ‘M’ Ultrafast science Research update NMR spectroscopy without the ‘M’ Researchers do away with the magnets that are usually needed for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Spectroscopy Research update Theory, experiment and fine structure Spectroscopy – the measurement of the properties of light emitted or absorbed by matter – is one of our most powerful tools to study nature. When a prism is used to separate the light from...
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