Read article: Bilayer of ultracold atoms has just a 50 nm gap Ultracold matter Research update Bilayer of ultracold atoms has just a 50 nm gap System could be used to simulate superconducting bilayer graphene
Read article: Individual polyatomic molecules are trapped in optical-tweezer arrays Ultracold matter Research update Individual polyatomic molecules are trapped in optical-tweezer arrays Molecules cooled to their quantum ground state
Read article: Space-borne atoms herald new tests of Einstein’s equivalence principle Ultracold matter Research update Space-borne atoms herald new tests of Einstein’s equivalence principle Measuring the free-fall rate of different type of atoms in space could unveil hidden mechanisms of gravity
Read article: Ultracold four-atom molecules are bound by electric dipole moments Ultracold matter Research update Ultracold four-atom molecules are bound by electric dipole moments New technique could shed light on high-temperature superconductivity
Read article: Physicists take the temperature of second sound Ultracold matter Research update Physicists take the temperature of second sound Results could have applications for studies of high-temperature superconductors and neutron stars
Read article: Physicists observe false vacuum decay in a ferromagnetic superfluid Ultracold matter Research update Physicists observe false vacuum decay in a ferromagnetic superfluid First experimental evidence of true vacuum “bubbles” could have implications for cosmology as well as condensed-matter physics
Read article: Machine learning takes hassle out of cold-atom experiments Ultracold matter Research update Machine learning takes hassle out of cold-atom experiments Reinforcement learning can make cooling apparatus more robust
Read article: Entangled molecules make a novel qubit platform Quantum computing Research update Entangled molecules make a novel qubit platform Two independent groups report a new tool for quantum science
Read article: No-heat quantum engine makes its debut Quantum mechanics Research update No-heat quantum engine makes its debut Researchers demonstrate a prototype engine powered by the quantum statistics of bosons and fermions
Read article: Antimatter does not fall up, CERN experiment reveals Gravity Research update Antimatter does not fall up, CERN experiment reveals ALPHA-g is first to observe antihydrogen in freefall