Read article: Plasma physicists move into medicine Plasma physics Research update Plasma physicists move into medicine Plasma-based approach could become “the surgery of the future”
Read article: New look for ball lightning Plasma physics Research update New look for ball lightning Rydberg atoms may explain cohesion in ball lightning
Stars and solar physics Research update Llewellyn Smith to lead UK fusion programme Former CERN boss has been appointed director of the Culham laboratory
Read article: Cold plasmas destroy bacteria Plasma physics Research update Cold plasmas destroy bacteria Plasmas could be used to sterilize medical equipment
Read article: Z-fusion makes progress Plasma physics Research update Z-fusion makes progress Physicists have observed thermonuclear fusion neutrons from a "Z-pinch" device for the first time
Plasma physics Research update US rejoins ITER negotiations American researchers could return to $5bn fusion project
Plasma physics Research update Plasma accelerators take shape Researchers use laser pulses in a jet of helium gas in a new approach to particle acceleration
Read article: Bubble bursts for ‘sono-fusion’ Soft matter and liquids Research update Bubble bursts for ‘sono-fusion’ New experiment casts further doubt on controversial fusion-in-a-bubble claims
Plasma physics Research update US maps fusion landscape Physicists gather to discuss American strategy in fusion research
Read article: Laser lights up water droplets Ultrafast science Research update Laser lights up water droplets New technique could monitor the composition of pollutants in the atmosphere