Read article: Convection enhances heat transport in sea ice Cryosphere Research update Convection enhances heat transport in sea ice New mathematical framework could allow for more accurate climate models
Read article: Bursting bubbles accelerate melting of tidewater glaciers Cryosphere Research update Bursting bubbles accelerate melting of tidewater glaciers High-pressure air delivers kinetic energy to mixing fluids
Read article: Frozen fallout: radioactive dust from accidents and weapons testing accumulates on glaciers Cryosphere Video Frozen fallout: radioactive dust from accidents and weapons testing accumulates on glaciers Scientists are calling for more research into the impacts of fallout radionuclides entering ecosystems as glaciers melt
Read article: Trapped in ice: the surprisingly high levels of artificial radioactive isotopes found in glaciers Cryosphere Feature Trapped in ice: the surprisingly high levels of artificial radioactive isotopes found in glaciers New research shows that glaciers harbour a surprisingly large concentration of toxic nuclear materials, which poses risks as the glaciers melt
Read article: Glacier tables reveal their secrets Cryosphere Research update Glacier tables reveal their secrets New model highlights the competing processes behind precarious features of melting ice
Read article: Solar radio waves could help monitor glacier thickness Cryosphere Research update Solar radio waves could help monitor glacier thickness Passive radar system offers energy and cost savings over existing methods
Read article: Iceberg melting is driven by geometry, experiments reveal Cryosphere Research update Iceberg melting is driven by geometry, experiments reveal Updated model of how icebergs melt could inform climate change predictions
Read article: Unprecedented ice loss is predicted for Greenland Ice Sheet Cryosphere Research update Unprecedented ice loss is predicted for Greenland Ice Sheet Future melting will exceed rates seen in the past 12,000 years, says simulation
Read article: Greenland’s ecosystems change abruptly with climate Climate Research update Greenland’s ecosystems change abruptly with climate Lack of timelag may undermine climate adaptation strategies
Read article: Artificial snow could save world’s coasts Cryosphere Research update Artificial snow could save world’s coasts In theory, artificial snow could save the ice caps and limit sea level rise. But rescuing civilization this way would sacrifice Antarctica