Read article: Stacked molecules create efficient and stable pure-blue OLEDs Light sources Research update Stacked molecules create efficient and stable pure-blue OLEDs Researchers in Japan have developed pure-blue organic light-emitting diodes with high efficiency and long lifetimes
Read article: Far-ultraviolet light could fight the next pandemic, assessing the physics in a sci-fi blockbuster, how to detect a black hole in the solar system Light sources Podcasts Far-ultraviolet light could fight the next pandemic, assessing the physics in a sci-fi blockbuster, how to detect a black hole in the solar system Science fact and fiction in the Physics World Weekly podcast
Read article: Extreme UV imaging visualizes mouse neurons at ultrahigh resolution Biophysics and bioengineering Research update Extreme UV imaging visualizes mouse neurons at ultrahigh resolution Highly detailed images of neurons created using lensless extreme UV imaging could help in the study of neurodegenerative diseases
Read article: Thick OLEDs can have high light-emitting efficiencies too Devices and structures Research update Thick OLEDs can have high light-emitting efficiencies too Devices containing perovskites as charge carrier transporting layers could be used to make affordable displays with improved viewing angles
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Read article: First ever UK synchrotron school attracts engineers from all over the world Characterization and modelling News First ever UK synchrotron school attracts engineers from all over the world Diamond Light Source opens its doors for a week-long introduction to synchrotron science
Read article: Machine learning algorithm finds the best LED phosphor in list of 100,000 compounds Light sources Research update Machine learning algorithm finds the best LED phosphor in list of 100,000 compounds Program seeks to optimize quantum yield and thermal stability
Read article: Diamond Light Source – where materials surrender their secrets Characterization and modelling Video Diamond Light Source – where materials surrender their secrets Join us for a video tour of the world's largest medium-energy synchrotron, as well as some of the world-class electron microscopy centres on site
Read article: Lasing on the edge Light sources Research update Lasing on the edge Topological insulator lasers achieve high efficiency and single-mode lasing at high gains
Read article: Distorted nano-magnets for agile polarization control Light sources Research update Distorted nano-magnets for agile polarization control Nano-sized chiral magnetic particles suspended in a gel allow real-time control of the polarization state of light
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