Read article: New optical fibre shortens laser pulses the easy way Surfaces and interfaces Research update New optical fibre shortens laser pulses the easy way Kagome structure and noble gas work together to create short, powerful infrared bursts
Read article: Nailing the half-life of iron-60 Telescopes and space missions Research update Nailing the half-life of iron-60 New measurements tune up million-year "astronomical clock"
Read article: Web life: Crystallography365 Structure and dynamics Opinion and reviews Web life: Crystallography365 Blogging the International Year of Crystallography, one crystal structure at a time
Read article: ‘Quantum reporters’ measure magnetic resonance of one proton Surfaces and interfaces Research update ‘Quantum reporters’ measure magnetic resonance of one proton Physicists turn quantum problem into an opportunity
Read article: Material gives up its spin-splitting secrets Transport properties Research update Material gives up its spin-splitting secrets Unexpected discovery of giant spin-splitting could boost spintronics
Read article: Chemistry Nobel awarded for super-resolution microscopy Structure and dynamics News Chemistry Nobel awarded for super-resolution microscopy Eric Betzig, Stefan Hell and William Moerner share 2014 prize
Read article: Visualizing helium’s interacting electrons Structure and dynamics Research update Visualizing helium’s interacting electrons New experiments control correlations, switching them on and off
Read article: Cracking the code for single-molecule junctions Transport properties Research update Cracking the code for single-molecule junctions First accurate calculation of “porphyrin” conductance achieved
Read article: Strontium’s nuclear ‘spin symmetry’ revealed Ultrafast science Research update Strontium’s nuclear ‘spin symmetry’ revealed Discovery will be crucial for building yet more precise atomic clocks
Read article: Controlling ferromagnetic domains using light Ultrafast science Research update Controlling ferromagnetic domains using light Unexplained discovery could have major impact on data-storage methods
Optics & Photonics Briefing This issue explores lasers and detectors, solar power, medical imaging and high-resolution displays