Read article: Radio telescopes could give us a new view of gravitational waves Gravity Research update Radio telescopes could give us a new view of gravitational waves New technique searches cosmic microwave background for signs of primordial waves
Read article: LIGO–Virgo announces ‘bumper crop’ of gravitational-wave detections Gravity Blog LIGO–Virgo announces ‘bumper crop’ of gravitational-wave detections Physicists have analysed 39 events from detectors’ third run
Read article: Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse Quantum mechanics Research update Physicists place fresh limits on gravity’s role in wavefunction collapse Dedicated underground experiments set new constraints on the Diósi–Penrose model of curvature-induced collapse
Read article: Black hole’s shadow boosts Einstein’s general theory of relativity Gravity Research update Black hole’s shadow boosts Einstein’s general theory of relativity Event Horizon Telescope image tests theory in the strongest gravitational field yet
Read article: Why that massive black-hole merger is important, battling quantum decoherence on two fronts Gravity Podcasts Why that massive black-hole merger is important, battling quantum decoherence on two fronts Gravitational-wave expert Laura Nuttall is our guest this week
Read article: LIGO–Virgo spots its most massive black hole merger so far Gravity Research update LIGO–Virgo spots its most massive black hole merger so far Two black holes combined to create object 142 times more massive than the Sun
Read article: In it for the long run Gravity Feature In it for the long run Corey Gray on building and working at LIGO, inspiring the next generation of Indigenous physicists, and having a healthy work–life balance
Read article: Planet Nine: is it a planet, a primordial black hole or something else entirely? Planetary science Podcasts Planet Nine: is it a planet, a primordial black hole or something else entirely? Fleets of tiny probes might discover what’s lurking at the edge of our solar system
Read article: Tabletop device might snare gravitational waves using tiny diamonds Gravity Research update Tabletop device might snare gravitational waves using tiny diamonds New matter-wave interferometer would rely on nanoparticles, not lasers
Read article: LIGO reveals quantum correlations at work in mirrors weighing tens of kilograms Quantum Research update LIGO reveals quantum correlations at work in mirrors weighing tens of kilograms Result points to lower noise limit for gravitational-wave detectors