Read article: Hunting dark matter with quantum sensors, working abroad brings career advantages Quantum Podcasts Hunting dark matter with quantum sensors, working abroad brings career advantages Also in this week’s podcast, medical applications of focused ultrasound and a new route to twistronics
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Read article: Have dark bosons been spotted in ytterbium isotopes? Dark matter and energy Research update Have dark bosons been spotted in ytterbium isotopes? Independent spectroscopy studies give equivocal results
Read article: Ultracold atomic comagnetometer joins the search for dark matter Atomic and molecular Research update Ultracold atomic comagnetometer joins the search for dark matter Bose–Einstein condensate could detect axion-mediated interactions
Read article: Gamma rays and gravitational lensing provide hints of dark matter Dark matter and energy Research update Gamma rays and gravitational lensing provide hints of dark matter Annihilating WIMPs might generate a fraction of cosmic photons
Read article: Dark energy debate reignited by controversial analysis of supernovae data Dark matter and energy Research update Dark energy debate reignited by controversial analysis of supernovae data Physicists claim cosmic acceleration is just a local artefact, but Nobel laureate disagrees
Read article: Superconducting nanowires could shed light on dark matter Dark matter and energy Research update Superconducting nanowires could shed light on dark matter Prototype detector has already put meaningful bounds on dark matter
Read article: What is dark matter and why is it so elusive? Dark matter and energy Video What is dark matter and why is it so elusive? Explanation of the theory of dark matter and the efforts to detect this mysterious substance
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