Petrophysicist Oliver Grimston talks about his career at British oil and gas company bp, from its graduate programme to his current role as the firm’s chief of staff in Iraq
From studying physics to making documentary films, with his latest being Coup 53, about the 1953 coup in Iran orchestrated by the British and American secret services
Engineering physicist Christine Tremblay on making fibre-optic networks cheaper, smarter and more resilient, and opening the way to send voice, data and video streams at ever-increasi...
Physicists at QinetiQ are developing systems that combine and control high-energy laser beams to provide a powerful and cost-effective countermeasure against drones and other uncrewed objects
Roland Harwood on open innovation, how he's helped organizations from Lego to the UN to implement change, and why he believes physics is leading the way in collaboration
Martin Weides is head of the quantum-circuits group at the University of Glasgow and consultant technical director to the firm Oxford Instruments Nanoscience