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Physics World January 2020

Physics World January 2020

Social experiments: the physics of public opinion

This issue investigates how physicists are trying to predict the dynamics of shifting opinions using laws that describe the physical world. Plus, biomass energy – green or dirty? Is this renewable energy source really as green as we first thought? Also, a look at the secret of synchronized pendulums, and a review of the documentary on Agustina Ruiz Dupont: the greatest physicist you’ve never heard of.

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Or you can read selected content from the January 2020 issue of Physics World here

Didier Queloz interview

Didier Queloz: the Nobel laureate searching for new worlds

electricity grid portmanteau image opinion

Towards a sustainable future

Lumber feature

Biomass energy: green or dirty?

French referendum "No" vote feature

The physics of public opinion

Screwdrivers opinion

Transmogrified physics

Agustina Ruiz Dupont review

Agustina Ruiz Dupont: the greatest physicist you’ve never heard of


The secret of the synchronized pendulums

Buddha review

We still don’t understand physics

Rainbow lateral thoughts

True, but not real

Juicero opinion

Bad business models

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