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Physics World June 2020

Physics World June 2020

Sound and vision: floating visual displays from acoustic levitation

Michael Allen finds out how floating visual displays created using acoustically levitated particles could lead to galleries of singing heads, and even to advances in contactless manufacturing. Also in this issue, our ability to deal with future deadly pandemics could be better if we look to the far-ultraviolet, and working towards ultrafast imaging in medicine.

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Or you can read selected content from the June 2020 issue of Physics World here

UVC fluorescent tube feature

The potential of far-ultraviolet light for the next pandemic

The Hubble Space Telescope news

From ‘techno-turkey’ to iconic observatory

Katsuhiko Sato interview

From inflation to science policy

Big red button opinion

Don’t press pause on innovation

Siemens Healthineer feature

Why ultrafast detection is ultra-good

hovering 3D image at the University of Bristol feature

Making images with sound

Linac expert Marco Carlone. feature

Safe training: the linac simulator

lateral thoughts

From the lab to the courtroom

Stephen Wolfram review

Explorer versus salesman

The 2019 Entangle exhibition at Bildmuseet, Sweden. review

Imaginative intersection

Group of businesspeople looking shocked opinion

The feelings you get when you discover something new

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