Available to watch now, LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen explores how the THALES 3D SCANNER can be used as a tool for fast and efficient commissioning procedures of bore-type Linacs and how to minimize machine occupancy
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In this webinar, Dr Erich Gebhardt, head of medical physics at MVZ Meine Strahlentherapie Nürnberg GmbH, will talk about his experience with the THALES 3D SCANNER in clinical use. The radiotherapy team uses the THALES 3D SCANNER for commissioning and quality assurance of the Halcyon™ linear accelerator. You will learn which parameters are important to them, why they chose the LAP water phantom and how it is typically used.
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Dr Erich Gebhardt did his doctorate on “Dosimetry in the Proximity of Radioactive Sources in Medicine” and has been the director of medical physics since 1995. His responsibilities range from radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology to further education talks and presentations.