Superconductivity Research update Superconducting nanowires pulse to a new beat Devices made with DNA templates exhibit novel forms of resistance oscillations
Magnetism and spin Research update Oxygen loses its magnetism under pressure A solid-state transformation that physicists had long thought might occur has finally been observed
Read article: Oxygen loses its magnetism under pressure Transport properties Research update Oxygen loses its magnetism under pressure A solid-state transformation that physicists had long thought might occur has finally been observed
Read article: Dots for data storage Surfaces and interfaces Research update Dots for data storage New technique could double magnetic storage capacities
Structure and dynamics Research update Unnatural look for nickel Physicists grow new phase of metal with mysterious magnetic properties
Nanomaterials Research update Chromium condensate makes its mark Physicists observe Bose-Einstein condensation in yet another element
Soft matter and liquids Research update Magnetic effects seen in water Melting point can be changed by applying a magnetic field
Read article: Nanotubes shape up for spintronics Nanomaterials Research update Nanotubes shape up for spintronics Researchers have shown that vanadium oxide nanotubes are magnetic at room temperature
Read article: Floating femtodroplets Soft matter and liquids Research update Floating femtodroplets Physicists have built a new micron-sized magnetic-levitation device
Read article: Rover reveals magnetic Mars Telescopes and space missions Research update Rover reveals magnetic Mars New results show that almost all dust particles in the Martian atmosphere are magnetic