Low-temperature physics Research update Physicists scoop cool prize Low-temperature physics is recognized by the 2002 Fritz London Memorial Prize
Low-temperature physics Research update Hydrogen metal on the horizon Evidence found for ‘black hydrogen’ and solid hydrogen metal at high pressures
Read article: A Fermi gas of atoms Low-temperature physics Feature A Fermi gas of atoms Ultra-cold atoms reveal the striking differences between fermions and bosons
Structure and dynamics Research update Cold atoms carry light pulses Physicists transport and modify trapped light pulses for the first time
Quantum mechanics Research update New look for Bose condensates Quantum phase transitions are seen in an atomic gas for the first time
Low-temperature physics Research update Collisions feel the cold For many years atomic-collision experiments basically involved measuring the deflection of fast projectiles that had passed through gaseous targets, or measuring the amount of light given off by atoms...
Read article: Nobel Prize for Bose condensates Quantum mechanics Research update Nobel Prize for Bose condensates Cornell, Ketterle and Wieman are rewarded for creating the fifth state of matter
Transport properties Research update Condensate control could lead to ‘atom circuits’ Chips that move clouds of atoms with magnetic fields could be used in quantum computers
Quantum mechanics Research update Condensates create Josephson arrays A network of superconducting junctions could give insights into diverse fields of science
Read article: Bose-Einstein condensation bursts out Structure and dynamics Research update Bose-Einstein condensation bursts out An explosion in the 'fifth state of matter' gives insights into the quantum world
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