Read article: Leading neutron lab appoints new director Microscopy Research update Leading neutron lab appoints new director Institut Laue Langevin names British physicist as its next director
Ultrafast science Research update Super-short laser flashes light up ultra-fast events Fleeting bursts of X-rays allow scientists to track attosecond electron events for the first time
Read article: Small is beautiful for new neutron generator Particles and interactions Research update Small is beautiful for new neutron generator A compact source of neutrons could benefit fields from medicine to condensed matter physics
Structure and dynamics Research update Ion strings make brilliant beams Preventing collisions is the key to super-stable ion beams
Read article: Positive ions pull together Structure and dynamics Research update Positive ions pull together Under certain conditions, the Coulomb force can pull charges together
Detectors and sensors Research update New X-ray probe lights up the cosmos A super-sensitive X-ray detector will give astronomers a new window into deep space
Planetary science Research update Nitrogen tally tests the nebula Nitrogen in Jupiter's atmosphere provide clues to the make-up of the pre-planetary nebula
Read article: Linear collider race gets serious Particles and interactions Research update Linear collider race gets serious Competition hots up for the world's next major accelerator
Read article: Cell-phone capacity multiplies Optical physics Research update Cell-phone capacity multiplies Polarized electromagnetic waves boost the capacity of radio signals
Quantum mechanics Research update Quantum dots detect single photons The quantum dot device consists of a transistor made of different layers of gallium arsenide and aluminium gallium arsenide. One of the layers consists entirely of quantum dots just nanometers across....