Read article: X-ray laser focuses on tiny objects Diagnostic imaging Research update X-ray laser focuses on tiny objects Technique could provide biologists with a new way to study extremely small organisms
Read article: Superlens microscope gets up close Optical physics Research update Superlens microscope gets up close First direct near-field optical images are obtained using a superlens
Nanomaterials Research update Nanotube resonators break gigahertz barrier Holy Grail of NEMS performance delivers attogram sensitivity
Read article: LEDs target tumours Optical physics Research update LEDs target tumours Portable scanner could be used for the early detection of breast cancer
Read article: Live cells jetted with electric fields Diagnostic imaging Research update Live cells jetted with electric fields Biophysicists develop technique to create jets of living cells
Read article: Microscopes reach new depths Soft matter and liquids Research update Microscopes reach new depths AFMs go beneath the surface of liquids
Read article: Electromechanical microscope nudges the nanoscale Microscopy Research update Electromechanical microscope nudges the nanoscale Piezoelectric effect offers a new way to study biomaterials
Read article: New transistor breaks speed record Semiconductors and electronics Research update New transistor breaks speed record Physicists have shown how to build a transistor that can operate in the much sought-after terahertz band
Read article: Magnetic sensors tackle viruses Diagnostic imaging Research update Magnetic sensors tackle viruses Small changes in the Brownian motion of nanoparticles can be used to detect biomolecules
Read article: Nanodevices target viruses Soft matter and liquids Research update Nanodevices target viruses Physicists explore new methods for virus detection