Read article: Burning soil fuels ball lightning Structure and dynamics Research update Burning soil fuels ball lightning Spectroscopy reveals silicon and iron in glowing orb
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Read article: New ‘wagon-wheel’ molecules could make better OLEDs Transport properties Research update New ‘wagon-wheel’ molecules could make better OLEDs Molecule could also be used as biological sensors or in solar cells
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Read article: NASA’s WISE telescope poised for second life as asteroid hunter Telescopes and space missions Research update NASA’s WISE telescope poised for second life as asteroid hunter Probe will be reactivated for a further three years
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Read article: Sensitive fingerprint technique developed with the help of neutrons Surfaces and interfaces Research update Sensitive fingerprint technique developed with the help of neutrons New method complements conventional forensics
Read article: Lensless camera acquires images efficiently Optical physics Research update Lensless camera acquires images efficiently New take on compressive sensing could improve surveillance