Structure and dynamics Research update New magnetic sensor could probe the brain Portable device operates at room temperature
Nuclear medicine Research update Hospital scanners could control cell-sized medical devices Physicists remotely control metal beads in blood vessels
Read article: Bubbles compute in logical devices Soft matter and liquids Research update Bubbles compute in logical devices Microfluidics merges chemistry and computation
Read article: Magnets take the spin out of blood separation Magnetism and spin Research update Magnets take the spin out of blood separation Red and white blood cells have opposite attractions
Read article: Antiprotons excel at cancer treatment Soft matter and liquids Research update Antiprotons excel at cancer treatment Exotic particles deliver a bigger bang to cancerous cells
Read article: Splashing out against tumours Soft matter and liquids Research update Splashing out against tumours The physics of splashing water could lead to more effective cancer treatments
Surfaces and interfaces Research update NMR goes optical New nuclear-magnetic resonance technique could produce real-time, high-resolution images of samples
Read article: Plasmas move into dentistry Soft matter and liquids Research update Plasmas move into dentistry Researchers develop a "plasma needle" that can kill oral bacteria
Read article: LEDs target tumours Optical physics Research update LEDs target tumours Portable scanner could be used for the early detection of breast cancer
Read article: Silver clusters go magnetic Structure and dynamics Research update Silver clusters go magnetic Simulations suggest that silver atoms become magnetic when arranged into clusters