Read article: Ultracold atoms race around laser circuit Ultrafast science Research update Ultracold atoms race around laser circuit Doughnut-shaped BEC is rotated by light
Read article: Physicists create ‘backward laser’ Ultrafast science Research update Physicists create ‘backward laser’ Device could monitor pollutants and explosives, say researchers
Read article: Bosons bossed into Bose–Einstein condensate Ultrafast science Research update Bosons bossed into Bose–Einstein condensate Physicists create the first ever BEC from light
Read article: Star Wars ‘telepresence’ tantalisingly close Ultrafast science Research update Star Wars ‘telepresence’ tantalisingly close Holography delivers real-time images of remote events
Read article: The future’s bright for DESY Ultrafast science Video The future’s bright for DESY DESY director Helmut Dosch explains how the former particle physics facility is flourishing thanks to photon science
Read article: Shining a light on FLASH Ultrafast science Video Shining a light on FLASH Edgar Weckert talks about photon science at DESY
Read article: Body talk Ultrafast science Opinion and reviews Body talk Robert P Crease tests two firms' 3D body-scanning devices
Read article: Electrons caught moving on the edge Ultrafast science Research update Electrons caught moving on the edge Breakthrough that could enable physicists to regulate photosynthesis
Read article: Quantum states controlled in silicon Ultrafast science Research update Quantum states controlled in silicon ‘Rydberg atoms’ could direct solid-state quantum computing
Read article: Fusion’s bright new dawn Nuclear fusion Feature Fusion’s bright new dawn The world's largest laser could transform the search for abundant, carbon-free electricity, as Mike Dunne explains
Optics & Photonics Briefing This issue explores lasers and detectors, solar power, medical imaging and high-resolution displays