Nuclear physics Research update Los Alamos director resigns John Browne steps down from his post at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nuclear physics Research update Pugwash urges end to weapons Britain must decide now not to build successor to Trident, say scientists
Structure and dynamics Research update Nuclei reveal novel decay Physicists have observed two-proton radioactivity
Read article: Martin Deutsch 1917 – 2002 Particles and interactions Research update Martin Deutsch 1917 – 2002 The physicist who first detected positronium dies at 85
Nuclear physics Research update Mobile NMR leaves the field behind New technique promises to eliminate the effects of the Earth’s magnetic field
Read article: KEK names new leader Particles and interactions Research update KEK names new leader Cosmic ray expert is made boss of Japan’s high-energy physics lab
Read article: Lawrence Livermore names new boss Nuclear physics Research update Lawrence Livermore names new boss Nuclear physicist is made director of the US government lab
Nuclear physics Research update Physicists get a taste of ‘tetra-neutrons’ Four-neutron clusters could shed light on nuclear forces
Particles and interactions Research update Cooperation to answer cosmic questions Six major experiments are proposed to tackle fundamental questions about the universe
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