Planetary science Research update Where did the Moon come from? The Moon was created more than 4.5 billion years ago
Read article: Titan may have an icy surface Telescopes and space missions Research update Titan may have an icy surface Physicists have found evidence for water ice on Saturn’s largest moon
Read article: Mars might have a soft centre Planetary science Research update Mars might have a soft centre A new study has found that the core of Mars may be liquid
Telescopes and space missions Research update New planet challenges theorists Astronomers find an unusual extra solar planet
Read article: Once and future Mars Planetary science Feature Once and future Mars Both ESA and NASA are launching missions to Mars this year
Structure and dynamics Research update Easy escape for Martian meteorites Smaller impacts than previously imagined can eject meteorites into interplanetary space
Telescopes and space missions Research update Poles hint at past climate on Mars New evidence is set to reveal the history of our nearest neighbour
Read article: Earth’s expanding girth Planetary science Research update Earth’s expanding girth Our planet has become even less spherical since 1998
Telescopes and space missions Research update Earthshine sheds light on extrasolar planets Reflected sunlight could help astronomers interpret the spectra of distant planets
Stars and solar physics Research update Diamond-free space dust puzzles astronomers Primitive meteorites cast doubt on theories of the early solar system