Read article: Closing in on planet formation Stars and solar physics Research update Closing in on planet formation Sharpest ever image of a dusk disk could reveal how new planets are formed
Read article: Rover reveals magnetic Mars Telescopes and space missions Research update Rover reveals magnetic Mars New results show that almost all dust particles in the Martian atmosphere are magnetic
Stars and solar physics Research update Did cosmic rays cause ice ages? Three physicists have challenged the standard model of glacial cycles and ice ages
Read article: Extraterrestrial impact created in the lab Structure and dynamics Research update Extraterrestrial impact created in the lab Small-scale meteoritic impact could shed light on processes in larger collisions
Read article: Solar explosions seen in 3D Stars and solar physics Research update Solar explosions seen in 3D Space scientists are learning more about the properties of coronal mass ejections
Read article: Making new minerals on the Moon Telescopes and space missions Research update Making new minerals on the Moon Researchers have discovered a new mineral in a meteorite from the Moon
Read article: Looking inside planets Planetary science Research update Looking inside planets Magnetic mysteries on Uranus and Neptune are explained
Read article: Revealing the secrets of planetary formation Planetary science Research update Revealing the secrets of planetary formation A newly-discovered stellar disk of dust could help explain how planets form
Read article: Carbonates found on Mars Telescopes and space missions Research update Carbonates found on Mars Discovery confirms that Red planet was not warm and wet for a long period in the past
Telescopes and space missions Research update Pressure builds on Pluto Tiny planet holds big surprises