Read article: Faint gamma-ray bursts on the horizon Astroparticle physics Research update Faint gamma-ray bursts on the horizon Astronomers may have discovered a new class of gamma-ray bursts
Read article: Astrophysics project wins outreach award Education and outreach Research update Astrophysics project wins outreach award Dutch school children plan to study the origins of cosmic rays
Particles and interactions Research update Gravitational-wave detector goes underground Japan builds laser-based experiment in new approach
Astroparticle physics Research update Magnetic angle for gamma rays The discovery of polarized gamma-ray bursts suggests that they are powered by strong magnetic fields in the explosions of massive stars
Read article: VIRGO takes off Gravity Research update VIRGO takes off European gravitational-wave detector is officially opened
Read article: Nature’s flawed mirror Astroparticle physics Feature Nature’s flawed mirror Where has all the antimatter gone?
Particles and interactions Research update RHIC unveils new results Brookhaven researchers claim to have come the closest yet to creating a quark-gluon plasma
Astroparticle physics Research update More evidence for neutrino oscillation New experiments provide independent confirmation for neutrino mass and mixing
Telescopes and space missions Research update Astrophysicists bag Euro prize EU awards Descartes prize for research on gamma-ray bursts
Astroparticle physics Research update X-rays probe neutron stars Astrophysicists have confirmed that neutron stars do not contain exotic matter