Stars and solar physics Research update When did stars form? Star formation peaked more recently than previously thought
Cosmology Research update Prizes reward cosmologists Alan Guth and Andrei Linde share Gruber cosmology prize, while Templeton prize goes to George Ellis
Read article: Galaxy breaks distance record Telescopes and space missions Research update Galaxy breaks distance record Astronomers probe universe when it was just 3% of its present age
Read article: Revealing the secrets of planetary formation Planetary science Research update Revealing the secrets of planetary formation A newly-discovered stellar disk of dust could help explain how planets form
Read article: Is the universe a dodecahedron? Cosmology Research update Is the universe a dodecahedron? Cosmologists might have to rethink their most basic ideas about space
Stars and solar physics Research update Stars make an early entrance Evidence of star formation seen in oldest object in the universe
Read article: Rashid Sunyaev wins cosmology prize Cosmology Research update Rashid Sunyaev wins cosmology prize Pioneering astrophysicist is recognized for work on X-ray astronomy and the cosmic background radiation
Particles and interactions Research update RHIC unveils new results Brookhaven researchers claim to have come the closest yet to creating a quark-gluon plasma
Read article: Supermassive black hole binary might lurk in nearby galaxy Telescopes and space missions Research update Supermassive black hole binary might lurk in nearby galaxy Researchers in Japan claim to have found evidence for a pair of supermassive black holes
Stars and solar physics Research update Heavy elements lend weight to early stars Stars and galaxies may have formed much earlier than previously thought