Superconductivity Research update Bigger buckyballs bolster superconductivity Physicists double the temperature at which carbon-60 can superconduct
Superconductivity Research update First snapshot of superconductor twisters Troublesome magnetic vortices can now be anchored by crystal defects
Superconductivity Research update Counting photons in a flash New photon detector could spot faulty computer parts and aid communication from Mars
Superconductivity Research update Can phonons help explain high-temperature superconductivity? Phonons may hold the key to the behaviour of the cuprate superconductors
Superconductivity Research update Latest superconductor has an iron constitution Squeezed iron can conduct electrical current with no resistance
Superconductivity Research update Superconductivity: boron goes it alone Boron has unusual superconducting qualities under pressure
Superconductivity Research update Organic metal challenges superconductor paradigm Moreover, the material in question – an organic crystalline solid called lambda-(BETS)2FeCl4 – contains a large concentration of magnetic ions (S Uji et al. 2001 Nature 410 908). The disco...
Superconductivity Research update Nanotubes are the new superconductors Carbon nanotubes add resistance-free current flow to their repertoire
Transport properties Research update New superconductor gets ready for applications Magnesium diboride gears up for the real world following a rash of technical breakthroughs
Superconductivity Research update The magnetic mysteries of atom clusters Small groups of atoms can add unusual magnetic effects to their peculiar thermal properties