Read article: Artist draws on her physics background for inspiration, improving proton therapy for better cancer care Art and science Podcasts Artist draws on her physics background for inspiration, improving proton therapy for better cancer care This podcast features an artist who collaborates with physicists and a medical accelerator expert
Read article: Breath holds protect the heart during proton therapy for breast cancer Particle therapy Research update Breath holds protect the heart during proton therapy for breast cancer Combining proton therapy with deep inspiration breath-hold can lower the dose to the heart and lung during breast cancer treatments
Read article: Dose-rate optimization increases healthy tissue sparing during FLASH proton therapy Particle therapy Research update Dose-rate optimization increases healthy tissue sparing during FLASH proton therapy An algorithm that optimizes both dose and dose rate during FLASH treatment planning could tailor dose delivery to improve sparing of healthy tissue.
Read article: MRI during treatment could improve paediatric proton therapy Particle therapy Research update MRI during treatment could improve paediatric proton therapy Identifying anatomic changes on MRI scans during proton therapy, and adapting treatment plans accordingly, could improve treatment quality and safety
Read article: Online MR imaging verifies proton beam range Particle therapy Research update Online MR imaging verifies proton beam range Feasibility study demonstrates for the first time that proton beam range can be accurately verified with online MRI in liquid phantoms
Read article: Quantum software company tackles big computing challenges Quantum computing Podcasts Quantum software company tackles big computing challenges Ilyas Khan of Cambridge Quantum Computing is our guest this week
Read article: Carbon ions team up with immunotherapy to tackle advanced tumours Particle therapy Research update Carbon ions team up with immunotherapy to tackle advanced tumours Carbon-ion radiotherapy combined with immune checkpoint inhibitors could offer a promising new approach for treatment of metastatic cancer
Read article: White papers: RaySearch Laboratories highlights advances in radiation oncology software Radiotherapy Innovation showcase SPONSORED White papers: RaySearch Laboratories highlights advances in radiation oncology software Explore the latest white papers and case studies from oncology software specialist RaySearch Laboratories
Read article: Ultrafast detectors line up for proton beam energy measurements Particle therapy Research update Ultrafast detectors line up for proton beam energy measurements A novel beam energy detector could be used for proton therapy quality assurance or even enable adaptive dose delivery
Read article: Upright treatment could increase patient comfort, reduce proton therapy costs Particle therapy Research update Upright treatment could increase patient comfort, reduce proton therapy costs Treating patients in an upright position could enable the construction of lower-cost, more compact proton therapy facilities
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