Read article: Optical matter machine steps up a gear Optical physics Research update Optical matter machine steps up a gear New device converts twisted laser light into mechanical work
Read article: Microswimmers benefit from thermoelectric guidance Optical physics Research update Microswimmers benefit from thermoelectric guidance New devices could find applications in biomedical sensing and targeted, non-invasive drug delivery
Read article: Light waves steer electron beams thanks to whispering gallery effect Optical physics Research update Light waves steer electron beams thanks to whispering gallery effect Coupling electrons to optical resonators could lead to novel technologies for nanoscale sensing and microscopy
Read article: ‘Cartwheeling’ light reveals new type of polarized light-matter interaction Optical physics Research update ‘Cartwheeling’ light reveals new type of polarized light-matter interaction Unusual properties of so-called "trochoidal" light waves could lead to new spectroscopic tools
Read article: Stimulated emission detection images single nanocrystals at high speed Nanomaterials Research update Stimulated emission detection images single nanocrystals at high speed New ultrafast technique is the first to do away with fluorescent emitters
Read article: Twisted light gains angular momentum through ‘self-torque’ Optical physics Research update Twisted light gains angular momentum through ‘self-torque’ New optical effect could manipulate molecules and nanostructures
Read article: Can we fight neural disorders with light? Semiconductors and electronics Research update Can we fight neural disorders with light? A novel device translates light into electrical signals that can stimulate nervous tissue in vivo
Read article: Unveiling the topological nature of electromagnetic surface waves Advanced materials Research update Unveiling the topological nature of electromagnetic surface waves Predicting the number of surface modes and their polarization may be possible from the helicity operator, according to a recent study
Read article: Light–matter entanglement creates Schrödinger-cat states Quantum optics Research update Light–matter entanglement creates Schrödinger-cat states New work could help advance the field of quantum state engineering with possible applications in quantum networks and quantum computing
Read article: Poking and prodding the molecules of life Biophysics Analysis SPONSORED Poking and prodding the molecules of life Single-molecule experiments are now allowing researchers to start answering critical questions about how living cells function at the fundamental physical level