Read article: New atomic clock sets the record for stability Ultrafast science Research update New atomic clock sets the record for stability Researchers aim to modify device for use outside the laboratory
Read article: Explaining the second quantum revolution Quantum mechanics Opinion and reviews Explaining the second quantum revolution Jonathan Jones finds much to appreciate in this experimentally-minded guide to quantum information theory
Read article: Redefining temperature Vacuum and cryogenics Feature Redefining temperature Michael de Podesta reveals how he has measured temperature more accurately than ever before
Read article: Attractive force arises from black-body radiation, say physicists Structure and dynamics Research update Attractive force arises from black-body radiation, say physicists New force could have important astrophysical implications
Read article: Atomic Van der Waals force measured for the first time Ultracold matter Research update Atomic Van der Waals force measured for the first time Interaction could find use in quantum logic gates
Read article: Redefining the ampere with the help of graphene? Transport properties Research update Redefining the ampere with the help of graphene? New carbon-based single-electron pump could help redefine the standard unit of current
Read article: Blazars help measure extragalactic background light Telescopes and space missions Research update Blazars help measure extragalactic background light New method looks at attenuated high-energy gamma rays
Read article: Getting to the bottom of foamy physics Surfaces and interfaces Research update Getting to the bottom of foamy physics New model describes the evolution of bubble clusters
Read article: ALPHA weighs in on antimatter Particles and interactions Research update ALPHA weighs in on antimatter CERN seeks answers to question of whether antihydrogen falls up or down
Read article: ATRAP nails down the antiproton’s magnetic moment Particles and interactions Research update ATRAP nails down the antiproton’s magnetic moment Result is 680 times more precise than previous measurements