Read article: Car passengers could soon listen to personalized audio using a new acoustic algorithm Acoustics Research update Car passengers could soon listen to personalized audio using a new acoustic algorithm Loudspeaker array adapts to changes inside a car
Read article: Wind farms get noisier at night, say physicists Renewables Research update Wind farms get noisier at night, say physicists Studies suggest that prevailing wind and air conditions affect the acoustics of “swooshing” noises
Read article: 20,000 channels of seismic data reveal Arctic climate change Acoustics Interview 20,000 channels of seismic data reveal Arctic climate change Geophysicist Rob Abbott on using a novel instrument to study sea ice in the Arctic
Read article: Meringue-like material offers lightweight soundproofing for aircraft engines Acoustics Research update Meringue-like material offers lightweight soundproofing for aircraft engines Graphene-based aerogel is low cost and environmentally friendly
Read article: Ultrasound detector uses optomechanical silicon photonics to boost sensitivity by 100 times Medical physics Research update Ultrasound detector uses optomechanical silicon photonics to boost sensitivity by 100 times Device could be used to image the brain
Read article: ‘Ultrasound drill’ and nanodroplets break apart blood clots Emerging therapies Research update ‘Ultrasound drill’ and nanodroplets break apart blood clots Lab-based experiment could lead to a new treatment for deep vein thrombosis
Read article: Processing natural language using quantum computers, listening to the oceans’ myriad sounds Quantum computing Podcasts Processing natural language using quantum computers, listening to the oceans’ myriad sounds Quantum physicist Bob Coecke and marine biologist Ana Širovic are our podcast guests
Read article: Relativistic quasiparticles tunnel through barrier with 100% transmission, verifying century-old prediction Acoustics Research update Relativistic quasiparticles tunnel through barrier with 100% transmission, verifying century-old prediction “Klein tunnelling” has been observed directly for the first time
Read article: Acoustic metamaterial helps moths avoid being eaten by bats Acoustics Research update Acoustic metamaterial helps moths avoid being eaten by bats Scales on moth wings could inspire lightweight sound insulation
Read article: Tiny ultrasound detector achieves super-resolution imaging Acoustics Research update Tiny ultrasound detector achieves super-resolution imaging Chip-based device images structures smaller than living cells
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